Orecchiella Natural Reserves

In the Apennine side of Garfagnana, where Prado Mountain and Vecchio Mountain mark the highest altitudes of Tuscan chain, the so-called “Orecchiella Park” extends in a area of over 52 Kmq, between the municipalities of Sillano, San Romano, Piazza al Serchio, Villa Collemandina and Castiglione di Garfagnana. From the geologic point of view different formations [...]
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Apuan Alps Regional Park

Apuan Alps’ Regional Park, constituted in 1985 by Tuscany Region, includes the mountainous complex which extends for about thirty km towards North-East, South-West simultaneously  to the Tyrrhenian coast between two provinces, Lucca and Massa Carrara, involving 15 Municipalities of Garfagnana, Mid Serchio Valley, Alta Versilia and Lunigiana. The Municipalities of Garfagnana valley are: Minucciano, Vagli Sotto, Careggine, Gallicano, Molazzana, Fabbriche [...]
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Tuscan-Emilian Apennine National Park

Between Cisa’s and Forbici’s paths the woody ridges which separate Tuscany from Emilia make way for a true mountain environment. The tops of Succiso Alp, Mountain Prado and Mountain Cusna are over 2000 m, the woods make way for high-flying rocks, lakes and meadows. Further down, in the Emilian side, the unique Pietra di Bismantova [...]
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