Palazzo di Atlante – Museo Furioso della Rocca Ariostesca

Palazzo di Atlante, a museum dedicated to the poet Ludovico Ariosto inside the Rocca Ariostesca, a symbolic monument of Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, offers a permanent multimedia installation in the bell tower to transport visitors into Ariosto's narration of the first two episodes of Orlando Furioso: Follia d'Orlando and Astolfo on the Moon. Palazzo di Atlante [...]
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Church and village of Sambuca

The small hamlet of Sambuca, in the municipality of San Romano in Garfagnana, is dominated by rugged volcanic cliffs on which stands, almost an extension of the rocks themselves, the Church of San Pantaleone. The "chapel of Sambuca" was already named as dependent of the Pieve di Fosciana Church in a document of Lucca Diocese [...]
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Grotta del Vento – Tourist Cave

The Grotta del Vento is in the centre of Apuan Alps Park, in an area rich in spectacular and interesting karst phenomena. Here the weather conditions have constantly dug, carved and modelled the limestone rock, creating impressive natural sculptures, such as the Panie Massif, the enormous arch of Monte Forato or the stone waterfalls and [...]
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Botanic Garden “Maria Ansaldi” Pania di Corfino

Built in 1984 on the initiative of the former Comunità Montana della Garfagnana (today Unione Comuni Garfagnana) the botanical garden houses the most significant plant species of the Orecchiella Park. Located in a large clearing of the beech forest, in the locality of Piè Magnano, at an altitude of m. 1370 on the south-west side [...]
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Museo Naturalistico dell’Orecchiella

The museum is located in the Visitor Center and it is the naturalistic reception point for school groups and visitors to the Orecchiella Nature Reserves. It reproduces all the aspects of the natural environment of the Apennine Tuscan-Emilian National Park in an interactive way: the beech woods, the high-altitude grasslands, the rocky walls and the [...]
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Museo Italiano dell’Immaginario Folklorico

A Museum of fairytales, legends, bogeyman stories, and beliefs about animals, plants, waterways, rocks, weather phenomena, farming practices, scary places and experiences etc – that is, stories that for centuries have represented the cultural geography of these areas, as seen by the peoples who lived there. The drawings currently on display in this room are the result [...]
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Museo Etnografico Don Luigi Pellegrini

The museum is located inside the medieval hostel for wayfarers and pilgrims. It is one of the most important collections of material cultural objects in central Italy. The exhibited material is an expression of the artisan, peasant and pastoral tradition of the Serchio Valley and the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, and covers a period of time that [...]
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Museo Linea Gotica Garfagnana

During the Second World War, at the end of 1944, the warring armies settled on the Gothic Line, which divided Italy from Rimini, on the Adriatic coast, to Versilia, on the Tyrrhenian Sea. In Garfagnana, for eight long months, the conflict brought death and destruction, even among the civilian population. Here the Black Americans of [...]
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Civic Collection of Renaissance Ceramic

The museum is located on the main tower of Rocca of Camporgiano. The medieval stronghold passed in 1446 from Malaspina to Estensi Lords which rebuilt it in the present structure. The collection is displayed on two floors that constitute the main tower of the stronghold and house the collection of Renaissance terracotta and ceramics which [...]
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Museo dell’Identità dell’Alta Garfagnana Olimpio Cammelli

The Museum inaugurated on May 16, 2009 is located next to the "Old Church", on the top of the "Colle di Casa" where the "Castle" and the "Old Village of Gorfigliano" once stood and is part of the Ecomuseo dell'Alta Garfagnana. In 1983, at the behest of the parish priest Don Alberto Bartolomei, work began [...]
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Museo della Fauna di Ieri e di Oggi Bosa

The Geopark farm “Bosa” of the Apuan Alps Park  in Careggine hosts the "Museum of the fauna of yesterday and today", with an interesting collection of rare and unusual specimens of the current Apuan fauna, including the short-toed eagle, the golden eagle and the eagle-owl, all preserved and positioned inside dioramas, which illustrate different environments [...]
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Chiesa Vecchia or old castle of Gorfigliano

Originally, the village of Gorfigliano rose around the ancient castle, still called "Casa", not far from the current inhabited center. The Castle of Lombard origin stands on a hill at a height of 730 m. asl. where the old cemetery still stands today. Over the years it has undergone various renovations starting from the oldest [...]
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