The route flows through sceneries of unforgettable beauty, right from the moment we leave the mountain hut Rossi, with the sun rays shining on the Appennines, illuminating the coast of Versilia and the Lake of Massaciuccoli.

From the mountain hut follow the CAI footpath n. 7 to reach the Focetta del Puntone and from here (CAI n. 126)  climb the Vallone dell’Inferno up to the summit. A detour along the peak is a must to reach the summit of Pania della Croce. (1859 mt. a.s.l.).

Return to the footpath and follow as it does a zigzag downhill on steep slopes towards Foce di Mosceta, where lies the mountain hut CAI “Del Freo” (1180 mt a.s.l.). From meadows of Foce follow the mule track to Col di Favilla, an inhabited village (CAI path no. 9). Shortly after, reach the lake of Isola Santa, cross over the dam and arrive in the hamlet.

Overnight stay:

La Casa del Pescatore  tel. +39 (0)583 639408

Nearby overnight stay:

Borgo delle Panie in  Salceta tel. +39 (0)583-0583 667004
La Genzianella in Vianova tel. +39 (0)583 661275 (it provides also a bus service for hikers who want to avoid the paved road on the next day or the CAI path no. 145)

Walking Time: 5 hrs
Lenght: 7 km
Elevation gain:
↑ Uphill 250 m
↓ Downhill 1200 m
Difficulty: high level

vetta pania della croce
Borgo di Isola Santa