White signpost

The route starts from the Visitor Center and follows the first part of the Airone 2, crossing conifer and mixed forest; it then reaches the paved road, near the junction for the mountain hut Miramonti (closed). The view opens onto M. Prado and M. Castellino to the north, the Apuan Alps and the entire valley to the south. The path continues uphill, then turns to the right and enters the wood.

An ups and downs among beeches, hazelnuts, dog roses and hawthorns, leads to a heath area and from here to the top of Mount Ripa. To the north the  valley of Soraggio, dominated by Mount Cusna, “the sleeping Giant”. In the months of May and June the Ripa meadows are covered with beautiful blooms: wild peony, crocus, daffodils and gentians, while in spring they host races and boxing matches between hares; also the roe deer communicates its presence, “claiming” the ownership of the territory with its characteristic sound. The return is along the path that leads back to the mountain hut Miramonti, and after a short stretch of asphalt, you return to the crossroads and join the same path as the outward journey. This itinerary is recommended in the spring and summer months, or when the snow and low winter temperatures offer an exceptional panorama as far as the sea of ​​the Gulf of La Spezia and the French Alps.

Walking Time: 3.5 hrs
Lenght: 7 km
Downhill elevation gain: 150 m
Uphill elevation gain: 150 m
Difficulty: Tourist

Enjoy the mountains

The 10 Essentials for Mountain Safety

The 10 Essentials for Mountain Safety
  • Before you leave plan your route (including trail length and difficulty) and inform someone you trust of your trip plan.
  • Before you leave inform about the update weather forecast by contacting directly mountain huts or other accommodations
  • Select trips of a distances and grades that are suitable to your level of conditioning. Leave early in the morning and calculate your expected time of return before dusk.
  • Choose a regular and moderate walking speed, make different rest stops, especially if there are children.
  • Drink a lot (water, tea or natural juice). Eat food rich in carbohydrate and protein such as wheat bread, dried fruit, nuts ect..
  • Choose the right equipment. The footwear has to allow a steady step and protect the articulations.
  • Use a practical and light clothing, but do not forget to carry in your pack waterproof and warm clothing. Consider taking a first aid kit.
  • When hiking with a group, take care of them and inform hikers about possible dangers, and if necessary, provide first aid.
  • Respect wildlife, avoid useless noise and leave no waste.
  • Follow signposted trails. Check your map regularly, and if you are not sure about your position try to get back on route with an eye for landmarks.

Required maps and guides

  • Alpi Apuane meridionali  fg. 535/537 scala 1:20.000 Ed. Mulgraphic – Firenze
  • Alpi Apuane settentrionali fg. 534/536 scala 1:20.000 Ed. Mulgraphic – Firenze
  • Appennino Tosco-Emiliano fg. 18 scala 1:20.000 Ed. Mulgraphic – Firenze
  • Alpi Apuane fg 200 scala 1:25.000 Edizioni 4Land -Bolzano
  • Appennino Tosco-Emiliano fg 208 scala 1:25.000 Edizioni 4Land -Bolzano


    For MTB routes:

  • Carta turistica Garfagnana – Itinerari in MTB scala 1:50.000 ed. Ass Garfagnana MTB Sharing

Local Hiking Guides

Adami Michela +39 333 7294941 crinidellalpe@gmail.com
Bertagni Attilio +39 333 5846159 bertagniattilio@alice.it
Bertolini Antonella +39 347 17898696  abertolini30@gmail.com
Bini Manuel +39 380 1241224 binima76@gmail.com
Bonaventuri Giziano +39 334 1815450 giziano@ufficioguide.it
Bonini Daniele +39 340 4876237 info.wildtrails@gmail.com
Bozzi Elisa +39 349 6416663 info@ilcavalloenquiso.com
Fiori Alessandra +39 329 3435564 alefiori2018@gmail.com
Fontanini Nicholas +39 348 5154999 info@guidewildtrails.com
Fruganti Enrico
+39 333 7530872 ilsemedulivo@yahoo.it
Lunardi Marco +39 329 2015805 info@rifugiodonegani.it
Marchi Stefano +39 328 9077578 info@agriturismolapalazzina.com
Mori Mirco +39 327 5705234 mircomori@gmail.com
Musetti Danilo +39 328 6772893 info@apians.com
Orsoni Francesca
+39 328 3197046 orsoni.francesca@gmail.com
Pedri Lucia
+39 336 666795 info@garfagnanarafting.com
Pellizer Pier Luigi +39 328 5369047 pgpelz@libero.it
Saisi David +39 328 6772917 david.saisi@gmail.com
Tortelli Riccardo +39 333 6937950 riccardotortelli@gmail.com
Yates Bell Rupert +39 347 5139794 tuscantrails@gmail.com

Local Hiking guides associations
Bosco Aperto
Garfagnana Adventure
Garfagnana Guide
Wild Trails
Garfagnana Rafting

La Garfagnana è un universo contratto, non c’è strada, cammino o sentiero che non porti a una visione inattesa, a qualcosa di inaspettatamente straordinario. Può essere una roccia, un eremo, un bosco, un fiume, un castello, ma può essere anche un uomo. So che ciò che mi chiama in Garfagnana non è semplicemente la sua geografia, ma gli umani che la abitano, come la abitano. La Garfagnana è di una bellezza struggente, una bellezza selvaggia e amorevole; e ciò che mi commuove è come il suo paesaggio sia stato plasmato, lavorato, addolcito anche nelle durezze più ardue da chi lo vive.


Maurizio Maggiani